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About DMA



Formed in 1999, the Delaware Museum Association (DMA) works to create an active, strong, and diverse community among its individual and institutional members. DMA promotes realistic approaches to museum practices and problem solving through training, networking, partnerships, and advocacy.​




​The Delaware Museum Association is able to continue serving Delaware's museum community through a new partnership with Delaware Humanities. With support from the Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs, Delaware Humanities works directly with DMA to carry out its mission of creating community among museums and cultural organizations throughout the state. Thanks to this partnership, DMA can increase its capacity to serve its museum constituents.


Board & Staff


Delaware Humanities Staff


Under the partnership between DMA, Delaware Humanities, and the Delaware Division of Historical and cultural affairs, DMA is supported by Delaware Humanities staff. The main staff contact is Rebecca Olsen, Senior Programs Officer at Delaware Humanities.


Executive Committee


President - Leigh Rifenburg, Delaware Historical Society

Vice President - Sara Ganter, Rehoboth Art League

Treasurer - Mike Connolly, New Castle Historical Society


Board Members


Michele Anstine, Delaware Humanities

Kyle Cantarera, Mt. Cuba Center 

Meg Hutchins, Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs

Kristen Matulewicz, Biggs Museum of American Art

Heidi Nasstrom Evans, Horizon Philanthropic​

Kyle Parks, Kalmar Nyckel Foundation

Marcos Salaverria, Lewes Historical Society 

Suzanne Savery, Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs 


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